Gone Skinny Dippin’

We woke up to the most gorgeous of mornings today and I just had to share it. The view outside our window had transformed from an overnight gloom of heavy fog and rain to a brilliant sunshine rich with sea air, blue sky and the lure of the ocean. The draw was irresistable and we just had to go skinny dipping. Well, OK…maybe, technically not all of us. The dog most decidedly went in “au naturel”, flowing free and unconstrained with the wind and the surf. Hubby kept a scant modesty with surfing shorts (although I must say he’s getting rather ripped these days and the shorts are a tad looser than they used to be), and me….well, given I’m the author and thus have artistic licence to do what I want, I’ll keep the thrill of suspense and intrigue alive by leaving that one to your imagination. And anyway, as Paul so often says “taking a picture of Nina is like trying to capture the Yeti…people keep trying, but no-one ever succeeds”.
With that piece of insightful wit, I leave you all with the sound of the ocean in your ears, the sea-wind in your hair and your own dreams of skinny dippin’. Let me know how they turn out…
Your pup is adorable! What kind of dog is that?
We have a border collie who loves to swim (or at least get just wet enough to stink and be muddy), but we didn’t have a whole lot of luck when we were in Gulf Shores, AL. Apparently there was a resident alligator in the water near our campsite, so no swimming allowed!
Great pictures, btw. 🙂
Hi Christy…she’s a rescue mutt. We definitely think she has some herding dog in her, but not sure of the rest. Oh and I know what you mean about the gators..we weren’t able to go swimming most places in FL. By the way doggie in your pic is also cuuuuute! Nina
Someday when we meet up, I’ll tell you about Suzy’s first skinny dipping experience. But not on-line!
We’ll definitely look foraward to that story! 🙂
tom wants to know if you are going to change your entertainment part of your budget this spring for minor league baseball;-) jil
If Paul has his way, probably…but I’m hoping to lure him back to using entertainment $$ on food & wine 🙂 Nina