A Perfect Sunset In The Boonies, On A Rather Perfect Day…

Sometimes pictures tell the story best, sometimes the story makes it even better. We had a simply awesome sunset last night, the kind that inspires you to gawk and write blogs about. Best of all, we had a 360 degree view of the whole show from our awesome boondocking spot in the Borrego Hills. It’s on days like this that I feel very, very lucky to be alive. In fact it’s on days like this that everything seems to go right (don’t you love those days)?

Now interestingly enough the day before yesterday was the other kind of day, the day where everything is a struggle. Nothing serious mind you, just little, irritating, poke-you-in-the-ribs kind of things that serve to really ruin your good groove. It started from the early morning. I dropped the entire bag of coffee on the floor (doh!), smashed a glass (dingbat!), got cut-off in traffic and nearly swerved into the shoulder (idiot!), drove 15 miles to a store that didn’t have what I needed (even tho’ I’d called beforehand to check…grrr!), called our San Diego cat vet to find out they have no open appointments for the next 2 months (argh!), bashed my head on the cabinet (ouch!), managed to break the satellite dish (what?), found 3 cat “presents” in the bed (yuk!)…you know what I mean.

Then yesterday it all swapped around spontaneously. With the dawn of the cool desert sun and solitude of the hills, things just seemed to meld together in perfect natural harmony. My noggin’ stayed obstacle-free, the vet called to tell me they had a last-minute cancellation and could fit us in this month, the satellite dish miraculously started working all by itself, our glassware stayed intact, total feline harmony was restored….you see what I mean?

So of course the sunset was going to be spectacular. I mean with a set-up like that what else would you expect? And indeed we got the FULL theatre show. An epic, even by desert standards. From the first drop of the sun behind the clouds to the spectacle of yellows, oranges, pinks and reds. It was a constantly changing, constantly awe-inspiring light show with cascades of color flashing the sky from every direction.
The perfect end to a rather perfect day and pretty darn nice for first full day in the boonies. Just makes you wonder what tomorrow will bring….
P.S. You can always click on any of my pics for a larger view 🙂
Beautiful pictures gotta love the sunsets outwest!
I’m so in love w/ desert sunsets. They’re just the best!
I guess we gotta take the Ying to get the Yang baby!
Entertaining post, thanks!
Yeah, that’s kinda how I figured it too. I was sure happy when our luck turned around tho’…I was starting to get mighty annoyed w/ the little things LOL
I can use every little snippet of sunshine at the present. Just ever so slightly dreary here I’m afraid.
Nice shots.
Well I’m happy I can bring a bit of color into your day…even if it’s only digital 🙂
Sorry I missed you guys, but I’m already gone. Comes from being always behind on the blog….
No worries. I figured you might already be out of here. Love your blog, by the way 🙂
OK, I’m saying it now – WOW!
One sunrise/sunset can wipe all those “bad” things from yesterday away!
Yup…one is all it takes 🙂 I’m a happy gal today.
Hey! I recognize that sunset!
Indeed…I spotted you out there clicking away that night too. So nice to see you again and catch up chatting.
Absolutely beautiful! I grew up in the desert (Las Vegas) and I must say desert sunsets are among the best! Safe Journeys!
They certainly. One of the things that always draws me back to the desert are the sunsets, and if you add-in perfect winter weather it’s a combo that can’t be beat!
Amazing photos!! Thanks for posting these!
Glad you like ’em Brett. Any chance you guys are going to do an extended trip to the desert this winter? I know you’d love it down here.
A beautiful first full day ‘out there’, that you had to earn 🙂 You know, it might be fun to put together a collage of all the photos of Paul relaxing in his chair in amazing locations!
Now that is an EXCELLENT idea! I think it would be a super-fun collage.
Ok – WOW! I love desert sunsets (up in Pac NW, we don’t get very many good sunsets).
I know what you mean about the days that just make you wish you had stayed in bed! Glad it turned around for you the next day. Guess an irritating day makes you all the more grateful for the lovely ones.
Yeah, by the end of the evening that difficult day I was ready to go to bed. “Don’t touch anything else” I told hubby…the next day made it all worthwhile.
Like you I can never get enough of desert sunsets especially now that we are in AZ. Your captures are always amazing. Will use your coordinates at Dome Rock in a few days.
Oh COOOL! This is the perfect time to be at Quartzsite. Should have plenty of space to yourselves out there. Enjoy!
We are excited to get to Quartzsite.
Those funky nothing seems to go right days help us appreciate those marvelous sunsets even more.
Sure does!! Nina
That brings back memories of camping in the desert years ago. Have you ever checked out Agua Caliente? It’s a San Diego county RV park in the Anza Borrego. Not sure where you are, but can’t be too far.
I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks. Great job and thanks for the wonderful pictures.
Hi Bill,
NO we’ve actually never been to Agua Caliente, but I’ve heard that spot recommended several times now. It’s definitely on our list of areas to try!!
EDIT UPDATE -> Just looked in more detail at the park. Unfortunately they don’t allow dogs on any of their trails which makes it a no-go for us. I knew there was a good reason we’ve never stopped there. Looks like a really lovely place, but if we can’t hike w/ doggie it’s not for us.
Awesome photos! That spot looks like one to check out. We are currently in Palm Springs and headed up to Joshua Tree this Sunday for 3-4 days, then over towards San Diego. Looking at your photos we are going to have to spend a few days in the Borrego Springs area too. 🙂
Borrego Springs is the perfect stop-over on your route. Would definitely recommend it if you have time. Lots of space to boondock PLUS tons of things to see & do in the area. I’ve got a few posts from last year here:
The Amazing Hidden Slot Canyons – Anza Borrego State Park, CA
A Dream, A Mountain & A Desert Prophet – The Story of Marshall South
Monster Art In The Desert -> The Metal Wonders Of Galleta Meadows
And that’s just a sampling!
gorgeous…like you one of the things I NEVER tire of photographing….
It was great to meet you both today. Hope you didn’t mind our stopping by to introduce ourselves. We’ve been enjoying following you blog. Your new location is wonderful! Your sunset photos were beautiful. Hope to catch up again when you move to Mission Bay.
It was lovely to meet you guys. Glad you came by & hope you enjoyed your day in the desert. See ya in San Diego!
Absolutely gorgeous photos Nina! It has been overcast most days here for the past week. Hopefully the sun will be shining once you arrive. Enjoy your time in the desert. Wish we were there. 🙂
Oh noooo! Can’t have any overcast days once we arrive on the coast. It’s going to HAVE to be sunny all of December.
Hello; I am new here to your blog. I just discovered you through rvsue, and so far just loving your adventures and comments and photos.
What interesting and lovely people you seem to be.
I traveled in both a 26′ class C and a 32′ class A for years…I am now looking for a 32+’ 5th wheel to park permanently north of Gold Beach, OR.
Thank you so much for your blog and your adventures. I am so happy to be here…
Hi Dawn,
Lovely to “meet” you on the blog and cheers for following along. The coast of OR is one of our FAVORITE places. I can totally see that as a spot to settle down.
That’s an area we have yet to explore… thanks for the photos, and I hope you have a string of better days :))
Box Canyon Mark
Ya, it was just a single annoying day. Back when I was in sales it would’ve been one of the days I would have cancelled all my customer appointments because I knew I wouldn’t be able to close any deals. You gotta go w/ the flow on these things.
I love the photo of your dog at sunset. I may have to try that with my two labs. You are an incredible photographer. I enjoy following your blog very much. Ahhh….someday I hope to be writing a blog from all over the USA.
Thanks…that was most definitely my favorite shot of the evening 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks….I think my hubby found it through RV-Dreams…very fun and informative. I particularly enjoy your RV-makeovers and your photography. Stunning….thanks so much for sharing. You inspired me when I was in Colorado at Christmas time to work on taking pics of my two granddogs! A black lab and yellow lab. We leave the 1st of February to begin our full time rv-ing adventure! Thanks for sharing a peek into your adventures!
How cool! So very lovely to “meet” you on the blog. Congrats on your up-coming fulltime RVing & hope to meet you on the road!
Very, very incredibly beautiful sets of pictures. Gotta love the sun’s cooperation in beautifying the sorroundings.