End Of Year Checklist – Dec Deadlines, Promos & Fun Jan Gatherings For RVers
While I’m working on my final travelogue (they always take 3-4 days each to complete) I figured I would put out a quick post with some end-of-year checklist items that may be worth looking at for both newbie and experienced RVers. There’s always “stuff” that comes up end of year, either important deadlines or fun promos (usually Christmas promos) which you might want to keep an eye on. Not all of these will be useful for everyone, but hopefully some of them will speak to you and (maybe) even save you some cash. Here you go…
1/ Healthcare Coverage (ACA) (Deadline Dec 15th)
For those of you signing up for individual Healthcare Coverage through the ACA for 2018 remember that Dec 15th (this Friday) is the final deadline! After that date you won’t be able to sign-up for a ACA health insurance plan until the NEXT Open Enrollment (Nov 2018), except if you undergo a Qualifying Life Event (e.g. moving domicile counts for RVers). It’s a shortened sign-up period this year so DO NOT miss this deadline!!
For those of you confused about Health Care Options, you’re welcome to read my recent (extremely detailed) post on 2018 Considerations For Pre-Medicare RVers. It doesn’t cover every health care option out there, but it should give you some good options to think about if you need a plan for 2018. Get on this now!
2/ Extended RV Warranty (Deadline Dec 31st)
Are you in the market for an Extended RV Warranty? An unusual deadline that newbie RVers may not know about is that warranties increase in price each calendar year.

On January 1st of each new year, the RV protection industry automatically considers every vehicle one model year older, so prices increase on all units. Also every RV warranty policy has an age eligibility limit, typically around 15 years, so as of Jan 1st RVs older than 2002 are no longer eligible. So if you’re thinking about a warranty I recommend getting a quote now to have ample time to review & finalize the policy before year end.
I’ve written about the Ins & Outs of RV Warranties before, so if you’re not sure whether this is something you should be thinking about (some folks benefit from buying one, but not everyone does IMO!) then I recommend reading that post first.
We personally got our policy from Wholesale Warranties and liked the company so much we became supporters & affiliate members. They are brokers, not the actual policy holders, but have always been there for us with support on our claims (with the policy company) even years after we bought our policy. For us personally, an extended warranty has paid off, but only you can make that decision for you.
3/ Learning To Live In An To RV (December Course For Newbies!)
Thinking about long-term RVing but don’t know where to start? Want to take the leap, but want to learn from experienced RVers first? Then this may be exactly what you’re looking for!

Earlier this year our RV friends Kerensa & Brandon decided to start a group to help newbie RVers get on the road. Their free Facebook Group “RV To Freedom – Learning to Live in an RV” has become hugely popular (over 35,000 members already!!!) so now they’ve expanded the concept and launched a formal online learning course as well.
This comprehensive 8-module series will cover everything from prepping for the move, to buying an RV and practical matters like money, mail and finding places to camp. Plus you will get access to live video Q and A sessions. The course will cost $297 and will open for registration this Sunday 12/17 and close 12/23, but there’s also a contest to give away a FREE seat which ends WEDNESDAY evening (12/14 at 12am)!
I know these guys personally and have seen how much work they’ve put into this learning module, so I’m really happy to recommend this. I think it’ll be an educational and fun resource for newbies.
If you want to enter the free giveaway or learn more about the course in general you can do that on their course webpage HERE (click the top banner for free giveaway). And if you just want to hang out on their free Facebook group for a while and learn that way (I’m on there too by the way) just join us HERE.
4/ Mobile Internet Afficionados (Discount Until End Dec)
Do you need Internet on the road? Maybe you work online? Or maybe you’re just looking for how best to stay connected while you roam about the country in an RV?
Since we started on the road we’ve relied on the expert advice of our RV friends Chris & Cherie who have made Mobile Internet their business. Several years ago they started Mobile Internet Aficionados and it keeps us up-to-date on literally anything and everything that happens in in the internet world. Their timely alerts (and in-depth guides) are the only reason we’ve been able to snag several coveted Unlimited Data plans that allow us to work and play unfettered online in the RV.
I’ve got no affiliation other than I love their work, but if you want to be part of the group you will want to join before their rates raise in Jan. Current subscription is $57/year (use coupon code ‘JoinMIA2017’) until the end of the year after which it raises to $65/year. Check them out!
5/ RV Camping Club (December Promos)
Looking to join some RV discount groups, but don’t know which one to look at? I wrote an in-depth guide about the various many RV groups on the blog last year (RV Camping Club Memberships -> Are They Worth It?) so if you’re deciding what pass to buy I suggest starting there.
For those of you who’ve already read the blog, a few of these groups are either holding year-end promos or have recently re-vamped their programs and are worth looking at again.
You get an extra 6 months with a referral! Passport America currently has a year-end Promo where you get 6-months EXTRA FREE for using a referral link (that’s 18 months for the price of 12!). The membership is only $44/year and with 50% off campground rates so it only takes a few stays to make up the $$ of the pass. I learned about this promo from Howard & Linda’s (RV Dreams) blog, so you’re welcome to read their post & use their link, or if you’re feeling the love here you’re welcome to use my link (or simply enter my referral number R-0279953 Fussing, Nina into the passport-america.com website). It’s one of the best deals I’ve seen ever for this program (which is one of the few camping passes we use on a regular basis). The promo will run through Jan 10th.
A 2-for-1 zone deal right now Thousand Trails currently has a 2 for 1 zone promo going on. This is a promo that comes around regularly, so you don’t necessarily need to jump on it right now, but if you have some up-coming camping where you think you might make use of this pass, then check it out. We’ve never been TT members (they’re simply not our style of camping or parks), but we know other RVers who are and IF you make full use of the pass you can save a bunch of $$$ on camping fees. Just make sure you read and learn about TT (understand the exact details of your membership) before you decide to buy.
New website, new logo Boondockers Welcome just re-vamped their website to be much more pleasant and user-friendly. Plus they’re currently running a promo where you’ll get a FREE $17 book (The Frugal Shunpiker’s Guide to RV Boondocking in New Mexico) if you join up. For $30/year you get unlimited free stays (as availability & the host allows) on other people’s private property. Again, this is not our style of camping, but we know many others who use their memberships regularly and really enjoy it. Again, IF you use the pass it can save you a ton of $$$ on camping fees.
6/ Quartzsite & Xscapers Annual Bash (Mid-January Gatherings)
Just started out on the road and looking to connect with other RVers? Want to try boondocking with new friends? Looking to meet other working-age RVers?
If so, you may want to plan your Jan travels to the southwest desert to join our fav RV group Xscapers for SEVERAL convergences that you can attend completely free of charge. From Jan 12-19th they’re converging at Quartzsite, a week later Jan 19-26th they’re moving the party over to American Girl Mine, and THEN there’s even a Mexico Convergence at the end of the month for those looking to explore south of the border. You can see all Xscapers Convergences HERE.

There are also TONS of other groups that converge in Q each year from the Monaco/Holiday Rambler group (we’ve attended this one) to Bob Wells excellent and very popular Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (Jan 11-21) group.

Even if you aren’t looking to join a group, if you’re in the SW you may still want to swing by Quartzsite AZ around mid-Jan to experience the biggest RV boondocking event in the world. Hundreds of thousands of RVs converge here every year so it’s both a unique and crazy experience. Plus if you’ve never tried boondocking before (but are curious to try it), this is literally the easiest place I can think of to give it a go.
Quartzsite was the very first place we ever boondocked in “the beast” in 2010 and we loved it so much we returned every single winter we were out west. For locations of where to boondock in Q (and how to get there) you can read my detailed reviews HERE (Dome Rock) and HERE (Plomosa Road), and to read all my various posts about Q (I have many!) click HERE. Seriously, add this to your “list” and check it out!
No idea what boondocking is all about??? Feel free to read my 4 part series for newbies here:
- Boondocking For Newbies Part I -> Finding Where To Go
- Boondocking For Newbies Part II -> Prepping Your RV
- Boondocking For Newbies Part III -> Geting Your Rig Into The Site
- Boondocking For Newbies Part IV – Enjoying Your Time In The Boonies
Those are all the RV-related promos & end-of-year items I’ve recently seen online.
Have you noticed any good deals I missed? If you’ve seen some good promos, or you own/run your own RV-related biz that has an end-of-year promo going on, feel free to add the details in the comments below!!
Great reminders – thanks Nina! That Passport American promo is such a great deal. We love taking advantage of the 50% off rates, especially at the end of the month :-))
It’s really the best deal I’ve ever seen, so I’m glad I got to share it. We don’t stay at a ton of PA parks, but we typically use our pass at least 4-5 times per year. It always saves us come cash.
You covered about everything. But for newbies, I would suggest reading other full timer blogs! Not only yours, but we learned so much by finding others who share our love of hiking. There’s so much to learn!
Yup other blogs are good, not just for info but as a way to connect with other RVers. We’ve met so many great RV friends through blogging. I have a list of some of my fav blog reads in my side-bar (big yellow box that says “RVBlogs and Resource Links”.). I’m always adding new folks to the list.
Good morning Nina,
I’ve enjoyed your blog for a long time now. Many useful suggestions. I’ve been a full timer for 2 1/2 years now. Anyway, Do you ever post your stuff on YouTube? And if you could pick just “ONE” biggest regret. What would it be? Hmmmm I’m going to cheat, I have two. I have a nice RV but No slides and I got it with no leveling jacks.. UGH
Thank you for sharing your experience!
We have a small YouTube channel where we’ve posted campground reviews and some RV Upgrade work we’ve done, but we don’t post regularly there. You’re welcome to check it out here: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCUrgyYI71LAjjBi-fyWzpbA
My one regret? I would have liked to get a slightly smaller RV. We love the luxury of “the beast”, but do wish it was smaller at times so we could get into more remote spots and/or tighter public campground. A smaller RV does make planning easier. That said I can’t complain too much. Our RV is gorgeous, and very comfortable.
Oh and another regret? Traveling through the MidWest in the buggy, humid heat of summer our first year on the road. We never made that mistake again!
I did write a post about the “darker”side of RVing. Perhaps you’d like that: https://www.wheelingit.us/2012/10/17/the-darker-side-of-fulltime-rving-5-thoughts-to-ponder-before-making-the-leap/
Have you ever thought of adding after-market jacks on your RV? I know several folks who’ve done it.
I will look up the suggested readings and the YouTube, Thanks.
I guess I can understand the regret of a large RV as I have never had a issue on getting into parks and maneuvering around. I do get jealous of nice rigs such as yours though!
My father before his passing, lived in Iowa and I have traveled there in the summer so I do understand that “Humid” drive and park issue. It sure is green out there though.
Yes on the after-market jacks. But for now it’s still a little out of my budget. I’ve retired early and then came into personal heath issues so for now I level up the old fashion way. UGH
Thanks for your reply and the Blogging you do. I for one enjoy it and look forward to your adventures!