Light At The End Of The Tunnel (And Getting Naked)
Pre-Post Note/ THANK YOU for all your comments on my last post. I know it was a darker one, and those are always harder to share, but I’m so thankful that I could, and that I was able to resonate with some of you. THANK YOU again!

Week 7 of the virus confinement in France, and there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. The country has officially announced that restrictions will start lifting on May 11th, and in celebration of that (or perhaps totally unrelated to it) people are getting naked.
Whooo hoooooo!
All this has came just in time for me, or at least before my gin supply runs out and madness overtakes. I’ve been struggling a bit (as you all know), so news of the re-opening has come like a cool dip on a hot day….with a sense of total and utter relief. We have a plan and a timeframe now, essentials that my very A-type brain both needs and relishes.
I can handle almost any kind of hard slog as long as I have an idea of how long it will last.
And the naked thing, yeah that’s a whole other topic. It’s the beginning of May, a new month of hope so apparently people are getting naked, both in celebration & protest. I dig it, and feel the freedom in the air. After all, there’s light at the end of the tunnel now, so let’s all celebrate that with a bit of communal bathing in the free wind….
The Slow Transition To A “New Normal”
The confinement thing is obviously our biggest news. After almost 2 months of full lock-down, starting May 11th we’ll finally be able to circulate outside of our teeny little 1km (0.6 mile) radius, without any kind of paperwork to justify it. And THAT is a big a deal!!

Our transition is not going to happen immediately. It’s going to be a phased re-opening, with parts of France opening before others. Each département (the country is divided into 101 total) will be given either a “green”, “orange” or “red” designation, based on how they are coping with the virus. The color will depend on a combo of 3 things; the number of new cases diagnosed, the number & capacity of local intensive care units, and the implementation of local testing & tracking programs.
It will be reviewed daily, and obviously “green” is where you want to be.
On top of the color-coding thing, there will still be limits as to how far/where you can travel (the max will be 100 km/62 miles), how you can socialize (10 people max), as well as how companies, shops & schools will open (transitioned opening, with social distancing). Plus wearing of masks will be required on public transport, and can be required/asked by shops.
Perhaps the biggest impact, at least for traveling folk, is that all bars & restaurants will remain closed, as well as international borders (no cross-border travel except for essential reasons). The latter could well remain restricted for several months more.
This is all Phase 1 of the re-opening….Phase 2 of the plan will be released June 2nd.

So that’s the gist of it. Obviously there are a ton of nitty-gritty details behind all this, plus there is always possibility that things go backwards again (if case numbers spike up, or we see a second wave). And life is not going back to “normal”, at least not anytime soon. We’ll need better treatment options, and much more testing/tracking before that can happen, not to mention a vaccine (which won’t happen before late 2021). So we can’t let down our guard down quite yet.
But the key thing is that a plan is now in place, and we WILL be quite a bit freer for it, even if we’re not socializing or traveling like we were before.
The first color-coded map was released by the government on Thursday, and I’m superbly happy to say that our SW region of France is in the “green” zone. This means we’ll get all the new privileges announced by the opening on May 11th, including that all-important 100 km travel release. Yeahhhhhhh!!!
Obviously we’re not going to rush out and go camping quite yet. We’re going to hang back a bit, just to see how things pan out and then when/if we do go out we’ll only take short trips either by car (for day-trips/hiking) or for a few sweet nights at an Aire or such in LMB. 100 km (~62 miles) may not seem like much, but it encompasses ALOT down here in the SW. And there’s plenty we can do & see in our area without any kind of contact with other folk (which is still going to be important).
I can’t even tell you how excited I am about all this!

So Lots of Folks Got Naked
The other big news this week was that everyone got naked, or rather quite a lot did.

Apparently the first Saturday in May, every single year is official World Naked Gardening Day, a rather key event that I’ve managed to miss up to this point in my worldy life. Now I’m not overly convinced of the merits of weeding in the nude, but my gardening forums (and yes, I’m on gardening forums now), were gushing with anticipation and excitement ahead of the day, and I can’t deny that I was intrigued…
“You’ll never feel freer” exclaimed one keen gardener
“Who doesn’t love a bit of naked gardening?” declared another buff-loving member
“Remember your hat and gloves” added a third, rather wisely I thought
Apparently people not only embrace the idea of a bit of flesh-in-the-free mowing, but they actually truly, really enjoy it. And are quite happy to share that exuberance with others. Who knew?
So yes, May 2nd (yesterday) was the first Saturday in May and in celebration a ton of folks got naked. The pictures that followed on Facebook (those that weren’t blocked anyway) were proof in the pudding as they would say, or in this case proof in the weeds.
It was a blast to see, and has convinced me to give it a try next year in the name of fun & a good laugh. Maybe I’ll even post a pic on the blog, if I feel particularly bold. Why not, eh?
And So Did French Dentists
In another peculiar piece of news, French dentists ( #Dentisteapoil) were getting naked this past week too, but for a rather different reason. They were protesting against being asked to go back to work without proper protective equipment (PPE).
Now obviously this is a very serious thing and no laughing matter, but I have to admit that when I saw the first pictures come out, I didn’t exactly get the connection. I was interested, and certainly very supportive of their message (how could you not be?), but I didn’t exactly get the protest side of it. Of course in a very French way, it all makes perfect sense. We’re defenseless against this virus, so we may as well be working naked. See the link?
And apparently, just like Naked Gardening Day, the protest was superbly successful.
As a result of the picture campaign, the government announced an additional 150,000 FFP2 masks to be released to dentists by May 11th, with more coming thereafter. So thankfully all will be well protected, but alas no-one will need to work in the nude anymore.
All I can say is, I sure hope the firemen protest next…..
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
That’s really it for this week. I can’t deny I’m superbly relieved that we’re re-opening again, not because I’m under any illusion that we’re going to get back to “normal” anytime soon, but just because I’d love to be able to take a drive, or hike somewhere outside our little circle of 1 km. And for the time being, that’s all I need.
Plus I also admit I am very happy that industry will getting back into business again. There’s many that need to work and this will allow them to do that in a controlled manner. Hopefully we can manage the opening, and the virus at the same time without the latter getting out of control. We’re certainly crossing all our fingers and paws for that here.
So my dear blog readers, what I really want to know is did you know about Naked Gardening Day, and did any of you guys participate? DO TELL pleeeease!

Loved this post! Funny and optimistic Hope all goes well with the France re-opening. I wish the U.S. could all get on the same page…sigh. I feel lucky to be in southern Oregon, where we have definitely flattened the curve.
All the best to you, Paul, Dad, and Polly!
I’m hopeful Oregon can keep all this under control. They’ve been very proactive.
Love your comments and updates on living in France. Turns out we are watching several TV Serials these days from France on Sun Dance Now ( a great channel at $5 a month). At the moment, we are watching ” The Bureau” (French), and “The Restaurant.” (Sweden). The Bureau is the most authentic Intelligence series (like CIA) I have ever seen. Outstanding !
Since my ancestry seems to be 100% French (lately Canadian French from Quebec), I always wanted to live in France although we have been there several times and even biked through the country. So…thank you so much for sharing your experiences.
Meanwhile in Oregon, things are picking up. Life goes on. Most of the deaths from C19 here are from the more populated areas around Portland, and then it’s more the elderly who have underlying health problems. (I say that as a 83 year old. Yikes!) By June 1st, most of us should return to more normal summer living still being aware of social distancing. But Biking, hiking, and kayaking, should be in full play.
I wish you and Paul a healthy and enjoyable summer.
The Bureau is awesome! We’ve been watching it too. If you want a comedy/intelligence series I highly recommend “Au service de la France” (A Very Secret Service is the English name). It’s a TOTAL blast!
And yes, like the folks in Oregon I’m looking forward to more summer living in the next months. We still won’t be socializing much, but hiking/outdoor stuff is definitely on the agenda.
France is so civilized and I love your explanation of how they are opening slowly. As you probably know here in the USA it is just a crap shoot— any state can open fully right now even as the virus is still spreading and people are dying in high numbers. We have no leader.. just a clown.
We are in our 70’s so have been self quarantined other than every two weeks to the grocery with our masks and gloves.
ThNk you for the beautiful photos! You live in a special place! Stay well.
It’s tough for the elderly through all this. We live with dad, so we’re obviously right there with you (very little going out for us), but at least here we know what the situation is here, and have a re-opening plan in place. I do hope that all this opening up in the USA doesn’t lead to a massive second wave. That’s my biggest worry for everyone. Anyway, let’s hope there is a treatment before then!
We so enjoyed this blog. It is so eloquently written and filled with such gorgeous photos of the bucolic French countryside. Never heard of Naked Gardening Day. Do share a photo if you participate in it next year. Just don’t forget your fig leaf and sunscreen and stay away from thorny bushes. Thanks for making us laugh. Another wonderful blog.
Fig-leaf will definitely be in place, should the “event” ever happen LOL.
Never heard of Worldwide Naked Gardening Day! Not sure anyone would survive seeing me naked. Scant few have seen me in a bathing suit! The good news, I’m losing weight so maybe next year, if the skin flaps shrink, I’ll make the trip to France just for the occasion!
Love your photos! I haven’t had a proper camera in my hands for years. I’m tempted but that’s just another hobby I would not have time for. It takes dedication and practice to capture the best photos. Your skill shows you have had much practice. Hope the reopening works for France and all of Europe. I’m not so sure about here. Some people think they can bully their way into living like they want. They’re the ones who call it the “so-called pandemic.” Like, it’s not real. Well, it will be real enough when it hits home. I’d rather be a little patient and live a little longer. Frankly, I hope no one has to deal with the illness any longer, so called or otherwise. You all stay safe there in those beautiful surroundings. We will do the same.
The thing that’s so hard about this virus is that we’re essentially fighting something we cannot see. I think that’s why so many are either ready or willing to ignore it. It’s simply not an issue until it affects you either personally or someone you know. Of course the economic side cannot be ignored either. Many are losing jobs with no means of other income or support. It’s a double-edged sword and horribly ugly either way. I SO wish the answer were easier.
Anyway like you I just really hope this thing goes away, so that everyone can get back to business again without fear. Sadly, I think the repercussions of this will be felt for a long time.
Alas, no naked gardening for me here in Florida. We’ve had a bit of rain and the mosquitos are out in force. I shudder to think of where on my body the mosquitos would land and feed.
Ah yes mosquitoes….I SHUDDER at the thought. I’m an absolute magnet for them. Thankfully none here (at least not this time of year).
Never heard of naked gardening day but I would definitely participate. Nice and warm here in Florida. You take such nice photos.
Thank you Teri….I do miss Florida winters, although it’s getting a little too toasty for me right now.
I have really loved your last few posts. It is good to hear a first-hand account of how France is handling the virus. Most of all, I have enjoyed your personal perspective. Stay safe and enjoy your new bit of freedom!
Thanks so much for following along!
Here in the US, they are doing something very similar to France, But of course it is so much larger, It isn’t wise for one person to control the entire country county by county. Instead each state governor dictates how they open. Here In Northern California some more rural counties have fewer restrictions than urban ones with more cases. It is just like France in that way. You sound well Nina, all the best
California has been pretty pro-active in all this I feel. And they are re-opening slowly much like we are here. I’m hopeful for everyone there.
I do think some states are doing a better job than others (just my personal opinion), but of course I hope it works our for all.
In the PNW we have a ditty, “Hurray Hurray it’s the eighth of May – it’s outdoor intercourse day!” I have no idea how that got started. Or, how did “Talk Like a Pirate Day” come to be? Tucson is have unseasonably hot weather, we’re 10 to 12 degrees above normal, which means after 9:30 or so, it’s too hot to do much outdoors. Hopefully this will break pretty soon. Enjoy your ability to move more than a km from the house, happy to hear France is loosening up.
Hahahahahaha……outdoor intercourse day. OK that’s a TOTALLY new one for me. Thanks for sharing that little gem!!
Naked Gardening Day? Darnit.. sadly, no gardens on the boat to tend to naked.
What did we do yesterday instead? I honestly don’t recall, the days all blur together.
A bit… apprehensive that our state of Florida is going into Phase 1 re-opening tomorrow. I honestly just don’t think we’re ready (at least they’re not requiring we eat in restaurants again). But, also not quite sure I would be ready for needing to submit papers to walk the trash out to the dumpster either. So very happy that you’ll soon have a bit more freedom again… and I’m all for you doing that in any state of dress you desire :).
I do worry that Florida is opening up too quickly, without even really knowing what the situation is (too little testing IMO). We have lots of family there, so obviously very concerned. I guess only time will tell.
So glad that there is a glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel! We are getting a small opening on Monday, but only some outdoor activities are ok (with all the same rules, only family, no large groups, etc.). Our governor has extended our lock down until May 31… And after that a slow 3 weeks (minimum) per stage opening up. Sigh. But why did I miss the naked gardening day??? Not that I would go out and share my wrinkles and stretch marks. But good for them! I do love the gardening bit. The dentists…I’m a bit concerned about going. For all of the reasons. I have an appointment in a week in a half but am going to cancel it for now. We shall see. Glad things are freeing up for you!
Yeah, WHO knows when I’ll be back to see a dentist. I’m still apprehensive about going anywhere like that (doctor, dentist etc.) simply because the contact risk is high {{sigh}}. I guess we’ll just keep tracking the numbers and make an harassment at some point. Sounds like your area has a good plan in place…hope it all works out, for everyone’s sake!!
Another great post. I’m glad you’ll be having a little more freedom. I’m also wondering how Polly is doing without Taggart and Rand.
Thanks for asking Patricia. Polly is doing OK I think. She’s very attached to us, and we’re around 24/7 so I think that’s helped her out. She does still look for the cats however, especially at night. We all miss them so much.
I’m glad to hear your permission to go outside has been expanded. We are still being encouraged to stay home even though a few outdoor activity sites are reopening. In an attempt to encourage us to stay home the senior complex we live is starting balcony exercising. A fitness instructor will stand in each courtyard (one at a time) and lead exercises people can do on their private balconies. The creative thinking that has come from this pandemic amazes me. One family wrote about buying flyswatters and balloons to play badminton inside their house. The image of that had me laughing out loud.
Wow…what an awesome idea!! I think I saw something like that (a fitness instructor leading a class from a balcony) in Italy somewhere. I do love all this creativity.
Yes, I know about World Naked Gardening Day. When friends used to have a secluded piece of land, we would go there and help them with the gardening any warm day and we would always get naked. It is such a thrill to be out in nature without clothes on. It is a very pure and connected feeling. This year, the weather here was not warm enough, so I gardened with my clothes on. Probably for the better, because at the moment, more than half of our garden is visible from a public street and that would make me feel a bit uncomfortable. We plan to move a few bushes so that we get more privacy.
Glad to hear you will get more freedom soon. I think it is indeed a good idea to take it easy in the beginning. I am a bit worried about that second wave.
YES!!! Someone who knows about Naked Gardening Day…..yipeee!!! Love to hear this.
Welp, it was still just a wee bit too cool for any kind of nekked gardening here, but I manage to get down to shorts and sandals by Sunday. We’re on a corner lot, so we’re pretty much “on display” most of the time anyway, so I suspect any naked gardening would likely draw a crowd.
May the forth be with you.
Yes, drawing a crowd might happen here too. We’re not close to anyone really, but I’m so darn pasty white that I reflect the sun like a lighthouse….I might well blind the neighbors.
God’s Graces to console y’all. Polly from overlooking sky and pasture is the coolest family pic ever. Polly Think in… ‘ya, I own it’, I’m cool wherever I roam’.
We hooked up TT and ran the Michigan Governor Police blockade to ‘Up- North’. Made it to !x@&#%? RV Resort along with Canadians running the border into the UP.
Come home soon and pass
thru MI… we miss you.
I’m glad you made it somewhere safe. I’ve been thinking a lot about MI and the Great Lakes these past days. We had SUCH a great fall trip there. Gorgeous country.
Lezat-sur-leze, I have no idea how you found this place, pretty neat for sure. I have no accent on my clavier to place on the e’s. Enjoy your blog and many more in the future. Life in Canada is the same as France, hair
getting longer by the day. I came from Sainte Catherine de la Flotte, Ile de Re in 1665. Also lived in
Lahr Germany in the Black Forest 1973-1979, so your adventures bring lots of memories for sure.
Also same age as your Dad, happy that he is having a great time.
Sylvan lake, Alberta cda
One day we’ll get back across the ocean to explore Canada a bit more. We always had plans to RV up there, but the plans always got side-railed at the last minute. ONE DAY!!
Definitely sounds like more of a real plan than we’re facing in the states. Hope all goes well and that folks can follow the new rules. Your countryside is stunning and I know that even when the views are wonderful it’s hard not to at least be planning for new ones!
We’ll know a lot more in the next few weeks, as the effects of the re-opening come to light. I really hope our area can stay in the green.
And here I thought the whole world celebrated the first Saturday in May as Derby Day! Love the French spin in things, and thank you for your marvelous blog. I’m glad things are easing for you but I hope this doesn’t lead to an escalation of cases.
No naked gardening for me, but I have to say that your comment about the firemen made me laugh outloud. As always, you write a wonderful blog, and I love the pictures of the view from your land. Please know that your blogging efforts are very much appreciated so keep up the good work!