The Liquor Cabinet
Every now and then on the blog we’ll cover RV sites, RV tips and the cast of characters that are travelling with us. Today, as the wind blasts through the desert I thought it would be a fine idea to address a most important topic, and that would be liquor.
No self-respecting fool, you see, would travel the country without a decent supply of liquor. Or, put more eloquently in a country song we heard on the radio a few days back:
“Rain is good,
Rain makes corn,
Corn makes whisky,
And whisky makes my baby feel a little bit frisky”
So, for those frisky nights it’s important to have the cabinet ready to go. But how exactly, do you stock a decent bar in a 40-foot vehicle? The key, my friend, is to pack it in tight. RV’s abound with holes, dens and hidden spots of space. A lot of smaller RV’s will have space under the couch or bed or behind cabinets. Ours has smaller cabinets below the dining table that just happen to perfectly fit a wine-case. The appropriate glasses can also be stored in wine-cases, propped up with just a little bit of foam to give a tight fit. So, we are happily travelling with wine, an assortment of rums, tequila, whisky and various other little liqueurs, 4 cognac glasses, 6 wine glasses, a few tumblers for mixers.
So fear not…you will not go thirsty

its a shame you couldn’t take that giant bottle of bombay sapphire with you but i REALLY enjoyed it on your behalf. its my top drink now. loving the blog, keep up the good work : )
Glad it found a good home 🙂 Tried a dirty martini w/ Bombay yet? It’s the bomb.
You guys are having a ball! Enjoy life. It is fun to read your blog!