Paul’s Progess & The Coquille River Lighthouse – Bullards Beach, OR

Well Paul is coming along. He may complain it’s at a sloth’s pace, but from my impartial viewpoint it’s been rather amazing. In the short space of only a few days he’s gone from not being able to move at all to practically full range of motion in his back, and from not walking at all to short spurts of waddling (our acupuncturist has aptly and rather humorously named it the Tim Conway shuffle ->; yes, he looks exactly LIKE THIS). Pretty miraculous for such a short time.
His main issue is the stinging/burning pain of the sciatic nerve which makes it uncomfortable for him in just about any position…and a man in pain, as all you ladies know, is a painful man indeed. But we are hopeful and crossing all fingers, toes and 12 paws that this rapid healing pace continues. There’s certainly no doubt that without the acupuncture there’s no way he would have come so far so fast.

In the meantime as yours truly takes care of everything in the RV (alas, a woman’s work is often thankless woe-be-me), I’ve managed to squeeze a few excursions around the area and most particularly to see the Coquille River Lighthouse which is a relaxing (and pretty) 3-mile bike ride from our campground.
All this has been accomplished on my super-snazzy new Trek Navigator 2.0 bicycle which is by far the coolest, most comfortable and utmost groovy bike I have ever owned. With my über long legs and short upper body, combined with the fact that I love both road-biking and very moderate off-road biking, finding a bike that fits me comfortably has always been near impossible. So, when my old, rusty bike was stolen in San Diego a few months ago I decided, for the first time in my life, to go for a brand new one that felt good. This bike is a hybrid with the combo of a mountain-bike gears & wheels, but with a super-cushy seat and the upright riding feel & look of a beach cruiser and IT IS AWESOME! We had to order a special size (of course…me being so special and all), but it is definitely the most comfortable bike I have ever owned.

Which brings me neatly back to the lighthouse. This is the 4th lighthouse I’ve seen on the OR coast and I can honestly say it is the cutest of them all! It may not have the dramatic flare of Yaquina Head, or the artistic beauty of Haceta Head, but Coquille River Lighthouse is oh-so-super-cute-pretty. It is one of the smallest lighthouses on the Oregon coast and was also it’s last, constructed in 1895 and beaming its first light on Feb 29th, 1896. Originally built on a rocky islet it guided ships safely through the mouth of the Coquille River for 43 years before being extinguished and replaced by an automated beacon and fog horn.
The unique thing about this lighthouse is its’ grand Victorian Italianate style and the elongated octagonal fog signal room attached to its’ 40-foot tower. A totally different look from any other lighthouses on the coast. It’s been lovingly restored and sits beautifully at the end of miles of gorgeous beach at Bullards Beach State Park. Free tours in season too!
Poor hubby has not yet been to visit this little beauty, but I’m hoping to cart him over there during the week. A worthy little trip for the cutest little view on the coast….and hopefully hubby will get to see it too.

Hope your back continues to heal quickly Paul.
Thanks Freddie! Nina
I loved Coquille, too, Nina. We saw all the lighthouses on the Oregon Coast and each has its own unique history.
So sorry about Paul’s back, but glad he’s recovering. I had chiropractic treatments and acupuncture years ago because of terribly disabling neck pain but at that time to no avail so I couldn’t avoid surgery. Maybe they know more, today, and I hope Paul continues to progress. I certainly hopes it doesn’t interfere with your hosting gig on the coast.
As I’m sure you know by now, you can throw a rock to see something new and beautiful on the coast of Oregon. Thanks for posting–brings back great memories. Enjoy your bike rides.
Ahhh…so sorry to hear about your back. I’m hoping the surgery helped? Back issues are always a worry to me, especially with “He-Man” lurking around the corner!
Concerning Paul bad back. Don’t forget a vital ingredient amongst all the poking needles and the woodo – a good quality red wine 🙂
We are still looking forward to see you on the road some time. Maybe sometime during our next visit?
Indeed wine has been one of the therapies we have been rigorously applying during this time. It’s a muscle-relaxant don’t you know 🙂
And YES really hoping to meet you guys next time you are here. We might actually make Quartzsite this year for the big meet….so that could be a spot to cross paths.
That’s an awesome bike. Groovy T-shirt too. (I wanted to do a “Grover” alliteration, but darn it, it’s Cookie Monster, isn’t it?)
I never really understood what having a good bike was all about until we moved to the Netherlands. I rode the somewhat inadequate thing that I had shipped over for a few months, and realised it was too small and uncomfortable. Some sort of a ‘deal’ at Sears. What a waste. It’s been a fine ‘guest bike’ though, as long as the guest in question is smaller than me….
Anyway, those Dutch sure know their bikes. The salesman sized me up (just by looking at me, no need to measure) and said, “Right, you’re a 58” or something like that. He knew the right size for my wife too. Sure helps.
So my wife and I bought a pair of *matching* Gazelles. Wow. Such a difference.
Of course, the next year we moved to Vienna, where it’s just a little too crazy for a couple ageing Canucks to ride their bikes. But there’s bound to be another move in the next year or so, so we’ll see.
Turns out, you do (sometimes) get what you pay for.
YUP, cookie monster it is. I found the tee at Walmart for $2.50 and simply couldn’t resist buying it. My inner child loves it 🙂
And totally agree about the difference in getting the right bike. The Dutch are masters of functional biking, and I can just imagine what a bonus it was to buy one there.
Paul, you missing out. Go ahead and recover. Just Let me replace the slot in the wheel for now. 😀 My Word. That lighthouse looks like a toy, like them darn doll houses.
Haha…I’ll give you a call if we need a driver 🙂
thanks for the bike recommendation, i was thinking of starting to shop around for one.
I did alot of shopping & trying out different bikes before I settled on this one. The upright biking position makes SUCH a difference to me. Definitely recommend trying before buying, but I sure can recommend this model.
Eldy and I both have Navigator Trek bikes, the 2.0 version also, purchased two years ago and we love them. I never knew bike riding could be FUN and not work. The hybrid tires are great for a variety of bike trails. We are very happy with them. When you get the right bike, your body will thank you, that’s for sure. Hope Paul continues to get better and better. Your lighthouse photos are wonderful!
How fun! The bike is very simply the most comfortable I’ve ever owned and I totally agree that it makes biking a JOY! Glad to hear you guys enjoy them too.
Love your new bike… I had a Trek Navigator when I initially hit the road that got rudely cut off the back of our tow vehicle and stolen. No bike has matched up sense 🙁 Enjoy it!
Continued healing thoughts to Paul, and keep enjoying the gorgeous of the Oregon coast! So wish we could be up that way right now.
What a total bummer your bike got robbed! I definitely think this bike is the nicest I’ve owned.
Cheers for the good vibes for Paul.
We love your new bike! I am all about the comfort when riding bikes these days. Glad to hear Paul is on the mend but not fast enough for him probably. Back problems are certainly no fun. Love the lighthouse photos. Looks like yet another place to add to the growing list!
Yup, comfort is KEY…I can’t take those skinny seats anymore.