“The Beast” Is SOLD! (And What We Learned About Selling An RV)
So it finally happened!!!! With a mere 11 days to go before our flight to Europe (eeeeek!), “the beast” found her new owners and they found her.

I can’t deny that this was a rather stressful & emotional process, but it all worked out in the end. We tried a bunch of different ways to sell and learned a TON in the process (some RV selling methods are definitely better than others!), so we’ve got some tips to share, but in the end it all happened pretty much exactly when we hoped it would. All-in-all it took just over a month for our rig to sell and although it felt (at times) like it would never happen, I am super happy it all went so smoothly and so fast.
So that’s my topic for today’s post…a little story, a few tips and the beginning of a new era 🙂
It Was Meant To Be
We were around 2 weeks into the selling process. Maggie & Dave had already looked at us once and decided it wasn’t quite the right time, but something kept drawing them back. On our side we’d had inquiries from other buyers, but something had kept them at bay. None of the folks that had contacted us thus far were really all that interested in our solar or our tech. They wanted to know how old our tires were (a valid question) and how many hours were on our generator (really?) but those were the only two questions we’d been asked, and so far none of them had gotten really serious.
Would we ever find someone who’d love “the beast” as much as we do?

But then Maggie & Dave came back, and things started to happen. We exchanged e-mails, had a few Facetime chats, talked price & details, and suddenly we had a date! This wasn’t just a casual date either. Maggie and Dave were flying over from San Francisco (!!), so it was a serious commitment. In turn, we agreed to hold any and all other buyers at bay until they’d seen the rig. It was a big leap of faith on both sides, but somehow it felt right.
Maybe they were the ones?
We spent 3 days working on the RV, deep-cleaning and double-checking that everything was in perfect working order, and waiting anxiously for them to arrive. They flew out, we picked them up at the airport in Fort Lauderdale and we drove immediately over to see “the beast”.
THIS was the moment!!
I don’t know who was more nervous (them or us), but when they saw the RV and broke out into big smiles, I think we all let out a collective breath. Suddenly it was like all the jigsaw pieces fell into place. An era had ended and a new story had begun, and it had happened at the perfect time for all of us. We went out for a VERY well-deserved beer!
We Geek Out & Make New Friends

We spent the rest of the week-end geeking out on all things RVing & “beastly”, going through all the RV systems, taking “the beast” for a test drive and making sure we passed as much info as we could along to our new owners. They were buying the package deal, including the tow (Honda CRV) so there was lots to cover. It was fun, but it was more than that too.
We meshed in ways we totally hadn’t expected, chatting about beer and travel (oh yeah!!), life and everything else. These weren’t just new owners, they were a cool couple who we completed vibed with and who were going to continue the beastly story in their own way. Plus they were going to go fulltime (yes!), take the RV back out West (yes, yes!) and go boondocking (oh yeahhhhhhhh baby!!). This was clearly meant to be.
We signed over the titles on Monday (so we’re now officially living in someone’s else’s rig!), but they were kind enough to let us move out during the week. We’ll drop off the RV in storage this week-end and then they’ll come back and get her for their honeymoon trip in just a little while. Super romantic and cool, don’t you think?
So HOW Was The Selling Experience?
So HOW did it all work out? Many of you are probably curious about the whole selling experience. What worked for us? What didn’t? I can’t say I’m an expert given that we’ve only ever sold the one RV, but I can certainly give you a run-down of what I think helped to contribute to our particular sale. Plus we hit pretty much ALL the selling routes, so we got a feel for how each of them worked. Here’s all of that, in case you ever have to go this route yourselves…
General Tips
I’ve sold a lot of smaller items online over the years, so I already had an idea of what we needed for the RV. But we went the extra mile this time, and I do think it helped our sale.

First of all I took a TON of good quality pictures, and I think this is critical for ANY sale (online buyers won’t even look at something with bad pics). But I also felt the pictures had to be as accurate as possible. I wanted to give potential buyers a real feel for the RV, so taking recent pictures (= the way the RV looks now, not what it looked like in the brochure or 5 or 10 years ago) in good light with everything clean and tidy was critical. We spent a good few days on this, making sure we captured the rig as accurately as possible.

We also did a DETAILED video. In fact we ended up doing two videos because our first one (33 mins long) was too long for RVT or RV Trader (they only allow ~10 mins). I felt this was critical as it showed details which were just not possible to convey through pictures. I can’t really say our video “sold” the RV, but I do believe it was a big factor. Everyone who was serious wanted to see the video and they wanted the full-length feature, not the mini-version.
I also had specs, layout, brochure service records, MSRP and other details on file to send to anyone that inquired by e-mail. Not really necessary perhaps, but I felt it provided a more complete view of the rig.
Lastly we spent a lot of time thinking about price. We researched NADA value and made sure we were priced right in-line, but even then I think we started too high (lesson learnt -> upgrades don’t really add anything to resale value for RVs 🙁 ). Once we dropped down a bit we found the sweet-spot and got a ton more interest.
RVT & RV Trader

Whenever anyone talks about selling an RV, you’ll always hear the advice about listing on a big online traders like RVT & RV Trader. So naturally we took this advice to heart and listed on both.
Each of them are fee-based services with a sliding scale depending on how many pictures you want to include, how long you want to list for and how much promotion you’re willing to pay for. Price-wise they’re very close and the only real difference seems to be that RV Trader limits how long your listing remains active (prices are for 2 weeks, 8 weeks or 1 year), whereas on RVT all ads (except for the most basic version) run until sold. We went with mid-line deals on both platforms paying around $70-$80 to list ~20-30 pics and a video (10 min max).
Craigs List
Several of my blog readers (and friends) suggested Craigs List as a good place for RV sales, so we listed our RV in the 3 closest counties to our location.

The nice thing about Craigs List is that it’s it’s local, which I think helps with sales (local folks have a much easier time popping over to see an RV than someone shopping remotely online), plus it’s super easy to use, it’s FREE (always a bonus) and you can refresh your listing as needed. So as long as you’re in an area with an active Craigs List (e.g. high population areas are always pretty active), you’ll get a ton of views. We made a serious listing with a bunch of photos and a boat-load of detailed spec info.
Selling Directly To A Dealer

Just for comparison purposes I called up a few dealers to ask them if they would buy the RV outright. I knew they would really low-ball, but I was curious HOW much lower than value they would offer. Also I learned something I didn’t know. Most of them exclusively deal in buying newer rigs (2015 and newer), so for the most part they won’t consider anything older. However when they heard we had an Endeavor for sale, they were willing to consider us, simply because of her higher-end specs & value. Of course the price they offered was around 30% below list…ouch!
Going Through Consignment
If we hadn’t sold to Maggie & Dave we would be driving our RV to consignment this week-end.

Under consignment, the dealer keeps your rig on their lot until it sells. You continue to own the RV & pay insurance on it, but they take care of all the rest of the sales process including the marketing, showing your RV to potential customers and the final sale. The advantages of this is that you have access to a large customer base (consignment guys typically get a lot of traffic), and you don’t have the hassle of dealing with ANY customer calls. You simply sign a contract, drop off the rig & the keys and you go. You do lose a bit in $$ though since the dealer typically takes around 5-10% for their service.
Going Through Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)
In the end THIS was the way we got the most serious interest and it was also (finally) the way we sold the RV. Plus the RV community helped us through it.

Of course we posted our sale on the blog (we got a lot of inquiries through here), as well as on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Plus I posted on a few Facebook groups (where they allow it). But beyond that it was the community that we’ve reached and connected with through these online media which made the difference.
I’ve always said that one of the best things about blogging is all the good friends we’ve made along the way, and it turns out that’s one of the best things about selling an RV too! After I posted our sale on my own blog, it was generously re-posted via several good blogger friends & the general RV community. And that definitely made a difference! Getting the word out this way has a lot of impact IMO because it’s personal (it’s folks who know us and who know our rig), and it helps to connect to exactly the kind of people (i.e. those interested in the fulltime lifestyle) that our rig caters to.
Well that wraps up my selling e-mail. Although we’re super sad to be ending our story with “the beast” we are SUPER stoked that she is going to such a good home. RVing in the US has been one of the highlights of our lives, and it was “the beast” who took us there. She was an awesome RV and I hope she does just as well for the new owners. We wish them many happy, beautiful, romantic & exciting adventures ahead!

As for our next plans, we’ve only got 6 DAYS left before we leave the USA (eeeeeeeek!) so we are in serious CRUNCH MODE. If I have time I’ll try and write another post before we leave, but it may not happen. So, you’ll either hear from me again soon, or you’ll hear from me in a little while from across the pond in Europe 🙂
I’m so happy for you, and for the new owners of The Beast, but I”m a bit sad too. I just don’t deal well with change. I am looking forward to posts from Europe and pray for safe passage for all of you!!
Thank you! I can’t deny that I’m nervous about our trip over (especially for the pets) so I will breathe a HUGE sigh of relief when it’s all done. Moving slowly forward…bit by bit…
Congratulations guys. I’m sure Maggie & Dave have a new home that’s the best equipped for what they were looking for. And now you move on to the next adventure which is what life is all about. I’ll have to admit, your move to Europe is the first time I’ve read about such a transition in the nearly four years I’ve been reading RV blogs. Looking forward to following along.
So glad this worked out for you. Hope you enjoy Europe. I always say “Have a little faith and a little patience, prayers DO get answered.”
Congratulations on another big step forward! Bittersweet, for sure, to be closing this chapter of your lives — and so exciting to stand on the threshold of new adventures. I’m amazed that you somehow find the time to blog in the midst of all that you’re doing!
Congratulations on your sale at the right time for you, and to a couple you feel are such a great fit! My husband Ron and I wanted to be that couple but the timing just didn’t turn out right. Best wishes for a great trip over for you and your furry family, and we look forward to reading about your new ventures. Once we get on the road I hope your blog will still be active for us to review your reviews of your US travels.
Cheers to you!
Thank you so much for the many Campground reviews and many experiences you have shared with us. Glad you found a good home for your RV. We will miss your blogs on RVing in the U.S. but look forward to hearing about your adventures in Europe. Best of luck to you!
So very glad for you guys–you did it!!! We both wish you guys all the best in this new adventure and please keep in touch! I’m sending good vibes that all goes well with the journey for ALL of you!
We’ll miss you guys too!
Things usually work out for the best. Safe travels to you all, you take our love with you.
Thanks Sue. Totally going to miss you and I know Polly is going to miss beautiful Lew. Her first boyfriend…they’re so sweet together.
Congratulations, both to you and to “the Beast’s” new owners, I am sure they will love her. I have been anxious on your behalf, knowing how quickly your departure date was approaching!
All the best with your final packing and the move, we look forward to following your new adventures 🙂
It’s definitely been a crazy month. We’ve literally never been so wound up and so exhausted at the same time. I’m looking forward to some serious downtime once we get to France.
Congratulations! I hope you, Paul and your fur family have a very safe trip across the pond. I look forward to reading all about your new adventures. Your writing and pictures are so inspirational.
I think we’re all going to miss the Beast. Glad we don’t have to miss you and Paul as well. I look forward to following “the next chapter”. Have a safe voyage and landing.
Thanks. Can’t wait to take you all “with us” over there.
So glad you were able to sell the whole package! Seems like it was meant to be:) Sounds like our house purchase…we bought the whole, including all the furmishings!! Good luck with your final packing. Happy travels:) You certainly did your homework.
We totally thought of you guys and your house purchase when it happened. Some things are just meant to be.
Congratulations! So happy to hear it’s all going so well. Wishing you all the best in your new adventures!
Thanks Gunta. We’re going to miss the OR coast something fierce, but we’ll be back there one day. In the meantime I’ll keep using your blog for inspiration.
Hey , I hope you mentioned to the new owners about blogging . I will still follow you guys but sure would like to know how and where the beast is going. It has been wonderful following you and the beast around the USA. So safe travel to all .
I did hint (hint, hint), but I don’t know if they’ll be taking that path. I did make them promise to send me a pic of “the beast” when they go boondocking however. It’ll warm my heart to see her in the SW desert again.
If I had even half Nina’s talent I’d be tempted to start a blog but there’s no way I can follow in those footsteps. Maybe a guest posting on wheelingit every so often?
SWEET…everything seems to happen for a reason and knowing the Beast will continue on providing more excellent adventures for Maggie and Dave is the best closure. Change is awesome for personal growth so your next chapter is very exciting!
Looking forward to following along on that next chapter with you.
Happy Travels to you, Paul and the fur-babies!!
Congratulations! Sounds like everything worked out the way it was meant to for you two and the new owners. Looking forward to your new adventures. And, yes, I hope your posts on this blog will be available for years to come-my DW and I just may be needing your valuable RV insights and campground reviews soon! . Clear skies and happy landings to you all.
Cheers to the closing moments of your “Beastly” adventure. All good friends know when to raise a glass to celebrate their friend’s next chapter. But its hard when we know that there will be an ocean between us. Thank you for the incredible insights and stories of travels. I’m merely a reader, but have followed your travels and applied the learning to my own experiences. I love your combination of humor, authenticity and detailed information. Looking forward to hearing about your hop across the pond!
Congrats! And safe travels overseas. What an adventure to continue.
It was wonderful to read about your new owners, and I am so happy that it worked well for you. Having read your blog for so long, I will truly miss your perspective on traveling around the USA, and even though I don’t plan to RV Europe, I know whatever you write about that experience will be worth reading every word. Loved seeing the Beast at the Alabama Hills, such an iconic photo of all that you stand for in your RVing life. I had a feeling that your blog and your social groups would be the best source for selling the Beast. We all know just how fabulous she is, all the upgrades you did, all the techie stuff that is so perfect for a reasonably young full timing couple. Do you remember that Laurie and Odel sold their rig Scoopy a few years ago, and Scoopy is now still out there in blogland with her new owners. Here’s hoping Maggie and Dave might join the blogging world and keep us all updated on their adventures with the Beast
Yes I remember Laurie and Odel, and their story selling Scoopy. I used to love her campground reviews. It’s so nice to know their rig is still out there on the road. I know RVs are just mechanical things, but I can’t help but feel emotional about ours. I think when you spend so much time in an RV and you experience so many adventures in one, it becomes part of the story. I’m so happy our girl will be getting back out there where she belongs.
Congratulations! I was just today wondering how the sale was panning out. Great results and happy travels to the pond and beyond!
I’ve been following your blog for a very long time and believe it to be the “gold standard” of RVing blogs. Full of great information-well written-and awesome pictures!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write such helpful and informative posts.
Best wishes for a safe and easy journey for both you and Paul and most importantly for your for babies!
I look forward to reading about your adventures in Europe!
Thank you! We’re still nervous about the move (big changes are always nerve wracking), but it still feels “right”. Fingers and paws crossed it all continues to go smoothly!
Back in 1987 we quit our jobs, sold our house & cars, gave our dog away and travelled around the world for four years, sort of a mid-life retirement, as I was 38 then. Where our stories coincide is that we had planned to allow 4 months to sell our house “For Sale by Owners”. It worked perfectly as escrow closed two weeks before our flight out. Yikes!
Also, during the last six months of the first two years backpacking, we met an Aussie couple in Cairo. They had put their VW Campervan into storage in England while they flew to Egypt to see the sights along the Nile. That’s where we met them. We shared travel stories and we ended up buying their van sight unseen.
We gave them a modest down payment and said we wouldn’t be up to the UK for another couple months. There is a genuine comradery amongst full-time travellers and they trusted us to follow through with our deal even though they would be flying back to Australia in a couple weeks. We finally reached the location where “Horus” (his new nick-name) was parked and it was everything they said it was and then sent them the rest of the money Times have changed for the price of a 10-year-old VW Campervan as the total deal was $4,000.
We ended up driving and living in Horus for six months, while touring around Europe, putting on 15,000 miles through 14 countries. We even parked Horus ON Red Square in the Kremlin and celebrated by 40th birthday. To sum up this short story, we ended up driving back to England and sold it to a couple Kiwis for exactly what we paid for it = $0 cost! It only took us a week to sell him.
I just recently sold my house and now ‘live’ in a truck camper half the year and travel outside the country for the other half. Presently, I’m writing to you from El Nido, the Philippines. As you are becoming world travellers, don’t limit yourself to just Europe. Please check out South East Asia, as it’s my favourite region in the whole world. I speak from experience as I’ve been to all the ‘warm’ continents. Taiwan will be my next stop next month and it will be #61.
You’re going to have a grand old time in your coming adventure. I’m excited for you. BTW, my truck back home is also called “The Beast”.
Happy Trails
Awesome story! Thanks so much for taking the time to share it. And I totally agree about that sense of inherent trust between travelers. Deals like this just don’t happen in “regular life”. I mean who allows you to live in their “house”after you’ve bought it, and then trusts you to leave it in perfect condition? In normal life this would be impossible. It’s part of what I love about the RVing community. I can’t wait to start our experiences in Europe.
P.S. I particularly love the part where you bought that VW campervan “Horus” for only $4000. As an interesting aside, Paul’s dad actually had an Orange VW popup when Paul was a kid. I think they paid a few thousand just like you, and they took it everywhere. It was Paul’s very first camping experience. Every time he tells us the story I can’t help but think of what an iconic way that was to start on the road. If he’d kept it, that rig would be worth a pretty penny today too.
We also will be selling our RV so your blog was very timely and informative. Good luck on your new adventure, and I look forward to reading about them. Have been an avid reader!
Good luck with your sale! If you’re in an active Craigslist area, I think it’s def the way to go.
I am so glad the Beast found her new home and that that she is the perfect fit for the new owners. We really thought about moving from our 5th wheel into her but I was just not ready to give up my truck. The new owners got a peach of a Class A.
CONGRATULATIONS! But their gain is our loss. It is because of you, and your amazing blog, that I found health insurance this year and saved money! Thank you for all the great advice you have provided. I follow several RV blogs but yours is by far the BEST! I look forward to reading your post from Europe. Best of luck and safe travels!
I’m so happy I could help out. And thanks for the kind words.
Congratulations! Is it just me or do they bear an uncanny resemblance? Best wishes and look forward to more beutifully written and photographed adventure.
We definitely meshed, so I think that comes thro in the pics. I have to admit we never really expected to make friends with the new owners…I mean it’s just not something that’s typically part of an automobile sale…so it was a total unexpected bonus when we did. We had a blast together.
Great information that rarely gets blogged about, Nina! As Vernon said, we hope Maggie and Dave blog about the Beast’s new adventures, similar to how the Chouters did with Scoopy. If they do, please pass along their web address.
Also, Palm RV was the one dealership we were impressed with at the Florida Supershow in Tampa this year. We were drooling over a Redwood fifth wheel…and the salesperson knew it…yet he didn’t pressure us. The timing wasn’t right, so we begged off, but we would definitely consider Palm RV in the future.
Nice to know. I have to admit Palm RV were very personable and professional when we talked to them. Plus they followed up promptly with every question we had. I think they would have done a good job for us.
Yes timing worked out well. Thanks for sharing your experiences with the various methods of selling a coach. Go forward (Or to Europe!) with no regrets… You two really embraced the experiences you had with ‘The Beast’ – and they will remain with you into the next chapter.
Travel safe,
Thanks Smitty, and yes. The great experiences we had in “the beast” will remain with us forever.
Hi Nina and Paul,
All the best to you. Stay safe and healthy. I’ll echo Gayle’s comments above as they mirror mine. I have cataloged as many of your blogs as I could find and will use them to further my knowledge about “what, when, where and how”. Your blogs definately set the gold standard. We pick up our Chinook Countryside in April and on June 1 we’ll be full time seniors. Can’t wait for your blogs from Europe.
How exciting!!!! I wish you all the best in your travels.
Four years ago we bought 5th wheel, started traveling south for the winters & began following your blog. We’ve appreciated your generous, thoughtful, entertaining & educational postings. As your personalities shined through, we hoped to meet you! A visit to Idaho and there you were in our backyard having dinner with us in Hailey! As expected we found you charming, fun & interesting!!! Thank you for enriching our camping experiences beyond measure with your tips, Campground reviews (paw worthy a treasure), personal perspective & musings—delightful & engaging. What a grand journey it’s been tagging along. Best wishes on your new path “across the pond”.
With deep gratitude,
Charlene, Bruce & Miles Malone
Four years ago we began heading S for the winter & following your blogs generous, thoughtful, entertaining & educational posts. Your musings enriched our camping experience beyond measure (dogs too with the paw friendly reviews). Having you over for a backyard dinner in Hailey, Idaho was a special treat. What a grand journey it’s been tagging along!
Best wishes across the pond.
Oh I totally remember that dinner! We had an awesome time. Thank you for the kind words and all the years following along on our journey.
Congratulations on the sale! We consigned our rig in 2016 with MHSRV in Alvarado Texas. They kept 6% and charged a registration fee. It’s one of the busiest RV dealerships in the US and the rig sold in a couple of months. We originally bought the rig there in 2014 on closeout and the prices are decent enough we plan to buy from them again in a few years.
Safe travels to you and Paul and the paws! I look forward to hearing about your adventures in Europe.
Great info. Cheers for sharing your experience.
We are thrilled for you and Paul and looking forward to your new European adventures. You have been a wealth of information for so many who have considered RVing or have wanted to broaden their horizons. We will forever hold fond memories of our time caravanning together down the 395. And since Terry and I have moved our sights more to international travels, we look forward to you sharing this new journey with us, once you are settled. All the very best to you both. Be safe, be well, and make some fabulous memories! Love you guys! Lu and Terry
Such FOND memories indeed. Going down Hwy 395 will always be one of our BEST driving experiences. Best of luck to you and Terry on your on-going international travels too. It’s been super fun to follow you down in Argentina.
You guys are so blessed. Congratulations & Blessings. Thanks for work to make such a great blog. I joined mostly only for tech. & Solar, But Have Come To truly enjoy your expression of life.
Health & Happness —-
Congratulations Nina and Paul!!! For those of us that follow along on your journeys, we celebrate your joys, transitions and adventures with you. And there have been many times when your experiences, whether it be reviewing a new camp spot, sharing RVing specifics, going further afield into the boondocks or holding our hands through our pet trials, have enriched and comforted us. Thank you for all that!
We’re excited to hear about the Europe Chapter in your ever-evolving and changing adventure log. How fun it will be to spend some time with family in Europe and chart new territory. We your will be keeping you in our thoughts during these last few days here as we know that your deepest breath will be when you’ve landed and are reunited with your beloved fur babies once you arrive there.
PS… that last photo is where we will be later today, one of our favorite places. Taken some time to recharge during these months of helping and caring for loved ones with many health challenges.
I am already feeling my shoulders relax and my breath deepen….aaahhhhh. And you will feel that soon too.
Bon voyage and peace-filled light to you all.
Thank you Imkelina & thanks for all your comments over the years.
We are definitely looking forward to some recharge time after all this. We’re going to need it!
As always, Nina, a wonderfully complete and detailed blog! Hard to believe you will be in Europe a short time from now. All the best to you and Paul as you embark on this new adventure!
Clarke and Elaine
So happy for you that you got the RV sold before leaving. That had to be stressful!
Whenever we talk about San Diego and beer, we laugh about you and Paul introducing us to riding our bikes to the breweries and coming back BUI. Fun times 🙂
Hope all goes well with the move, especially for the animals. Can’t wait to read your posts from abroad!
Paul and Nina
You guys are the reason we sold our ranch in ojai ca and hit the the road. We thank you dearly. Our lives are wonderful we are so happy . Thanx again its been 5 yrs and looking forward to many more.
I hope this chapter in your lives brings you the same happiness we have found you guys are awesome good luck . If your ever in states email we are buying a place also . We are keeping the coach. Be safe!!
Félicitations Nina et Paul! Je suis vraiment soulagée de savoir que The Beast est vendu. Je vous lis depuis environ 6 ans et me présente enfin puisque vous allez bientôt commencer vos explorations en France. Mon mari et moi habitons des 2 cotés de l’Atlantique où nous faisons du camping mais pas encore à plein temps. Les hivers se passe dans le sud ouest surtout en Arizona avec un 5th wheel et l’été se déroule en France dans le Massif Central où nous rénovons une maison de 1800 et où nous avons un petit Classe A de 26 pieds pour explorer la région.
Nous serions vraiment contents de pouvoir vous recevoir chez nous quand vous commencerez vos aventures! Nous sommes dans un petit village en Corrèze sur la frontière avec le Cantal. Nous avons un parking équipé pour camping car à côté de la maison où vous serez les bienvenus le temps que vous souhaitez. La vue sur les champs et le coucher du soleil est plutôt magnifique! Nous rentrons en France juste après vous le 5 avril et serons là pendant 6-8 mois. Ce serait un grand plaisir de vous accueillir pour vous remercier de toutes les “richesses” que vous avez partagées avec nous tous à travers les années. Bon voyage à toute la famille et à bientôt j’espère!
Merci beaucoup pour l’offre de parking chez vouz à Corrèze. Nous allons sûrement vous contacter. Cela semble être un endroit merveilleux!
Congrats for making the final big piece fall into place. Thanks for sharing the selling experience. We’ll be going through it in about a year, and the thought really stresses me. It’s very encouraging to hear that your network was the way you sold your coach; we plan to use the same method — how else will we find someone who will love and appreciate our Sheila like we do? Have a safe journey to Europe. God bless.
Congrats on the sale….I will probably sleep at night now..As I wanted the Beast really, really bad! We could not purchase until we sold the rig we have now. I personally was very interested in the solar aspect. Good luck in Europe, it’s going to be AWESOME!!!
And here I JUST started enjoying all of your blogs as my Wife and I are soon to buy a 40 ft. Diesel pusher and live in it for a few years as we tour the USA !! I hope you keep it all up and open as there is SO much to learn from you two ! Best wishes on your new endeavors !!
Congrats. Nice when a plan comes together. A few years ago I tried the consignment route. It was horrible, I’d never do it again. I sold mine via Craigslist and it went smoothly.
So long Beast….Time to start a new chapter…
We sold one of our past RV trailers on Craigslist. Our last RV trailer last fall I had an offer for it (2013 RV trailer) that was a little under my low number, called the dealer where we hoped to buy the new one, and his offer was $4000 more than my CL offer….So worked out in the end….
Dear Nina and Paul, Congratulations, we wish you big good luck in Europe! Ourselves moved from Germany to the USA 10 years ago.
We just had to wait “only” 10 years to wait, to get a green card so we can move over and other 5 years for our US-citizenship. As we know, it is not easy at all to emigrate, but you will grow personally.
We wish you ALL the very best, but we are sure you will make your way!
Best greetings Sabine & Thomas
PS.: We not got yet, to which of the 28 European countries you will move, but if we can help just let us know.
If someone goes the consignment route make sure you review your insurance policy. May policies don’t cover the coach while it is on consignment. Which means that unless the dealer assumes liability for any damage you may find yourself with a damaged coach and no insurance.
You mentioned RV Kountry. We consigned to them several years ago. We had a bad experience. Oh, they finally sold our RV, just before the contract was up. But unknown to us, they replaced our brand new love seat with a beat up ugly couch! No wonder it wouldn’t sell! I would only deal with a consignment place near our home; no more across the state. We now have a 2016 Thor Axis 25.2 for sale. Not ready to consign yet, but all inquiries are welcome.
Yikes…that is horrible! Very sorry to hear you had that experience, but appreciate you sharing it. I hope your Thor sells without issue.