2015 & Year 6 In Review -> 5,864 Miles Of Western Beauty, National Parks & Bucket List Items

It’s that time again. The start of a New Year, the time to renew your Dogkittylutions, the time to look back at where you’ve been and ponder where you might go in the future. It may be a day like any other day but nonetheless, it feels like a time of new energy and new opportunities.
For us and our blog readers in particular, this is the time I summarize our past year of travels and highlight our top-rated campgrounds. I’ve done this every year since we started RVing and although it takes a lot of effort to organize the map and sort through the mass of ~120 or so posts I wrote, it’s always fun to look back and re-live the adventure. Even though I was there, I’m always surprised at much we’ve seen and done. Looking back allows me to appreciate how fortunate we are to live this lifestyle.

This past year marked our 6th fulltime year on the road and we stuck to our typical “slo-mo” pace, completing a relaxing 5,864 total miles and 42 total stops, averaging a nice, easy ~143 miles a drive. Our longest, and also the absolute worst drive we’ve ever done was 370 miles, while our shortest was 17.2 miles (yup, we do that kind of thing), but mostly we stayed around the 120-150 mark for the majority of the legs.
We did some stuff that we’ve done many times before (Hwy 395), but we also did some “firsts”, most notably we went to a bunch of National Parks (which is not our norm), we only spent 2 months volunteer hosting (which is less than we usually do), we did a mad and crazy dash of 2,467 miles in ONE month (insanity, by our standards) and we ticked off several bucket list items that have been on our list for years. Oh and yeah we went to Hell and back, saw the Devil’s Tower and survived. Here’s how it all broke down:
Winter -> Desert Boondocking & City-Slicking (AZ, CA)

We started the year in full party-mode, ringing in the year with a dusting of snow and the company of a bunch of like-minded nomads at our boondocking spot in Borrego, CA. It’s was an insanely social time and after more than a month of partying we snuck off for some solitude in Yuma, which allowed us to complete our annual Mexico dental trip and also gave me time to me to write my 4-part “boondocking for newbies” series.

We bummed around for the next month or so in the desert, exploring a watery oasis at Cibola, discovering ancient desert figures in Blythe, enjoying a romantic Valentine’s Day at KOFA and visiting new ghost towns.
After months of boondocking we were yearning for a change so we spent a few days in the mountains of Alpine, CA before dropping down for a month of civilization in San Diego. Here we lounged in luxury & sun by the beach, mixing cool bike rides with visits from family, exploring San Diego’s many farmers markets and (most notably) attempting to nail down San Diego’s BEST beer, a daunting task in a town with 100+ micro-breweries (we did OK, don’t you think?).

Spring -> The Eternal Wonder of Hwy 395 (CA)

We’d done the drive sooo many times before and we’d already decided we weren’t going to do it again, right up until our buddies Todd & Russ decided to go. How could we possibly resist???
So, we engaged on a mad 303 mile drive and found ourselves once again on fabulous Hwy 395 and back in the boonies of the mountains…ahhhhh! The spring weather was predictably fickle, but as usual the Eastern Side of the Sierra Nevadas didn’t disappoint and we were lured deep into the beauty of the mountains.
We played around the fabulous Alabama Hills, hiked part of Mount Whitney, went deep into the John Muir Wilderness, bouldered, hiked and ate ourselves silly in Bishop, experienced some spectacular sunrises at Mono Lake and warmed up in the natural hot pools of Mammoth Lakes. Many were places we’d been before, but none of the spots felt old. I think we’ll keep driving this highway until they kick us off!
We finished our spring drive with a dog-friendly golf-stop in an Un-Likely place. Spring was starting to fade and Oregon (as usual) was calling our name. It was time to move on.

Summer -> Wonderful Oregon, And A Time Of Sadness (OR, WA)

We couldn’t resist coming back to our favorite state for summer. Although we arrived a tad early for the area (May), good buddies of ours offered their house in Bend, OR for chicken-sitting and that was an offer we couldn’t refuse. So we enjoyed several weeks of bumming around, drinking beer and meeting people.
Right after our country sojourn, Paul needed to fly home so we took a quick stop in Portland, OR arriving just in time for the big Rose bloom (wow!!) and yet another meet-up with our buddies Russ & Todd. There’s so much to do in Portland it would take years to see it all, and we love this quirky city so much we keep coming back almost every year we go north.

As soon as hubby got home we started our drive East, stopping for a bit of wine along the Columbia River Gorge before arriving at one of the absolute highlights of our year, two weeks in the Little Switzerland of the PNW, the astonishing Oregon Wallowas. This place BLEW us away with amazing mountains & gorgeous prairies, super-cute barns & brews and (of course) the infamous drive to Hell and back which took us to both the most divine wildflowers and the deepest river gorge in North America. It was a place I’d wanted to see for years and it did not disappoint. Folks, put this place on your bucket list!!
June ended seemingly perfect with a few days in our favorite coastal town of Astoria, OR before we planned to settle down for our summer hosting by the beach at Cape Disappointment, WA. Unfortunately things were not to be, and my mother passed away unexpectedly at the end of the month, shooting me back to Europe and putting the blog in hiatus for almost a month. It took a while before I felt ready to write about it and return back to lighthouse hosting, but hubby and the coast helped me to start healing. No matter what we might like to think, life doesn’t stop for RVing.
We stayed blissfully stationary in Cape D for another month, attending the yearly Kite Festival, taking advantage of the area’s many beer & food spots, and wrapping it all up with a very windy goodbye.
Fall -> A Mad Dash East, National Parks Galore & Balloons (ID, WY, SD, NE, CO, NM, AZ)

Our summer on the coast had been near weather-perfect, but it had been one of the worst wildfire seasons on record in the rest of the West and we needed to get to South Dakota to renew our drivers licences. Our best laid-plans went awry as we made a last-minute detour to avoid the smoke, driving 845 miles in 3 days and ending up in places we never expected. But it was also totally worth it.
We got to see the amazing Sand Dunes of Bruneau, ID, and the gob-smacking beauty of the Tetons in WY, a place that not only amazed us with it’s spectacular photography, but also it’s extensive dog-friendly options. We followed with a stop to see the smoking cauldrons of Yellowstone and (my favorite) a stay at Devil’s Tower WY, a place I’d wanted to see for years and years. Almost ALL were places we hadn’t expected to see, and they all ended up being well-worthy stops. Sometimes it pays to be “jello”.
The mad dash East got us to South Dakota and once our drivers licenses had been updated we started yet another mad dash South taking us through surprisingly pretty Nebraska, and the worst drive we’ve EVER done, a grinding, bumping, shock-shattering, back-breaking back country road to Trinidad, CO (never again!).

We rested up for a few days in CO and stopped by pretty Santa Fe NM before getting to our REAL destination and the bucket-list item that we had prepped for the entire year -> the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Paul’s dad and stepmom had driven over in their rig from FL to join us, the event was something we’d wanted to do for years and years. We basked in two weeks of absolute balloons galore and had an experience we’ll never forget. Over 550 balloons, up to 80,000 people (per day) and absolute mass, beautiful hot air insanity. We camped on-site, crewed and got to fly, and socialized with friends. It was….SO…worth it!!!

With our balloon cravings more than satisfied, our caravan moved West stopping to admire Nature’s artistry in the Painted Desert, AZ followed by some old Route 66 history in Williams, AZ and (the highlight) two weeks at the astonishing, impossible Grand Canyon. This was yet another bucket list item and inspired me to produce some of my best photography of the year. We loved our stay on the south rim and would come back in a heartbeat.
With the end of Fall in the windshield we stopped for rocks and beer in pretty Prescott, AZ followed by a few days of boondocking before heading to “nest” in our old-time favorite Desert Hot Springs, CA.
Winter -> Home And Home (CA)

Our last few months of the year were just spent bumming around “home”, first in the desert, then in San Diego and (for me) with a flight back to Europe to see my family. Our 2015 travels were done!
For the folks who like to see the nitty-gritty I’ve updated our travel maps, both for the exact 2015 route that we took (see below) and also adding all the new locations we stopped at into our wheelingit camping map. As usual each “pin” links you to the blog posts which were done in that spot, as well as any campground reviews. So, just get your favorite beverage, snuggle into your favorite chair, click and enjoy!!
Coming next I’ll review our favorite campgrounds of the past year. Then our wrap-up posts will be done and I’ll (possibly) reveal some of our exciting (and very different) plans for 2016. Stay tuned…

How nice to see everything in a nutshell especially revisiting some spectacular photos of the past year…here’s to 2016 to be as spectacular….
It was fun to look through all my old posts and re-live some of the moments we had (some of which my fish-brain had already forgotten…it’s a good thing I keep a blog!). Happy New Year to you!
Nina what a gift you have in writing your blog..I am always amazed the amount of time it must take to put such a well thought out and informative posting! This posting again is so filled with wonderful information and inspiration…thank you for sharing this gift with us readers! Your right about getting settled in your favorite chair and favorite beverage and click away…that’s exactly what I am doing. We are almost at our 2 year anniversary of full timing…. re-living some of the same areas you talked about makes me want to get right back to them again…and you inspired me to see new areas!
So thank you again and here’s to a wonderful 2016 for all!
Congrats on your second year! I’m constantly inspired by other travelers and bloggers, so I’m happy I can return the favor. We all share the same road out there, and there’s always sooo many new places I want to see. Happy reading and travels to you!
Thanks for sharing – I love the map detail to see the blog for the location you visited. Much appreciated the effort you put into your blog.
I love having the maps, even though they’re a pain to keep up with. There’s something about seeing your travels on a map that brings them into focus. Glad you enjoy them too!
Looks like one heck of a fabulous year (without the loss, that is 🙁 ) I look forward to following your adventures in 2016. I have a feeling you have something new and exciting planned. Happy New Year and happy trails.
We have plans, big plans…and of course extremely jello plans. It’ll be interesting to see if they all work out.
It’s good to be reunited with Paul’s father and step-mother for new years.
Yup, it was nice that we were able to see each other for the last day of the year. We’ll be traveling together some more in 2016, so the caravan is not over yet.
Great recap of the year. I will need to take some notes for my next years recap. It may look similar to your 2015, as that is a similar path I will be using this year as I head North, but I will go home to Montana for a month or two before heading back South for the Winter months.
Montana is one of the big gaps in our 6-year travel map. We inched our way into the state this past year (the campground where we stayed for Yellowstone was “just” inside the state border), but we’ve seen nothing of the state other than that. We hope to remedy that this year! Maybe we’ll cross paths up there.
I cannot tell you how much your wonderful commentary, about both life and the adventure you’re on, has meant to me/us. It provided the impetus I needed to “go for it” and we are downsizing our way into an RV and out into the world at large.
Thank you, and happy trails to you in 2016!
Glad you enjoyed the post and have found some personal inspiration. I love to hear that!
I love these maps that you make. I usually notice a blog or two that I missed and read it, and I love how you can click on the pins and see which blogs/dates relate to that area. Thank you for the work you do on the blog. We referenced a few of your campground reviews this year when we went camping in Oregon, California, and Idaho, and it helped us choose campgrounds. (I like that you always include the internet availability, too.)
Happy New Year to you & Paul, and pets and family. I hope it is a blessed year for you all.
We had a fabulous day when we hiked around the base of Devil’s Tower. And the Tetons? We can’t get enough of that view, Nina. Great memories!
Fully agree with both!!!!
Great recap post. Some of your Grand Teton and Grand Canyon (two grands) was just great. Partly due to your effort to get the shots. You got up early and stayed late to get the best light. And you came up with some eyeball openning pictures.
I do take one exception to your comments. I don’t think the Wallowa valley resembles Switzerland much. I have been to both places. Switzerland a lot of times. I don’t think any place in the States really looks a lot like Switzerland. To me the closest is the Glacier National Park area. But in Glacier Park there are not villages and towns like Switzerland. Or for that matter trains and cable cars that go to the tops of many of the mountains.
The Switzerland reference is the nickname of the area. So, not my words exactly but rather what the Wallows have commonly called by others. You do get a few chalet-type buildings, and the gondola of course, plus some pretty spectacular mountains, but I can’t deny the two are very different.
What a terrific review of your last year’s travels! Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for 2016. Wishing you all the best in this coming year!
Nina, thanks for this annual review. Tho I’ve followed along all year, it’s a lot of fun for me to follow your review of the year, and present the readers with a host of happy reminders of your travels, photos and blog posted. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication.
I’m looking forward to your travel plans for 2016, as well as following along for the ride again.
Happy New Year to you and Paul for a fabulous 2016!
Thank you for following along & all the comments you’ve made during the year. A Happy New Year to you too!
Another wonderful year living the good life:) Each of the photos in this post are spectacular!! I really love the Anza Borrego one from Font’s Point:) Love this place!
Wishing many more years of adventure on the road:) See you down the road soon, I hope!
To you too Pam!! Hope we get a chance to meet up again in 2016!
What an awesome year you’ve had!
It was great to meet you both the other day upon your return from Europe! Lori and I hope to cross paths again with you when we have more time to chat.
Happy New Year!
It was nice to meet you too. Sorry I was still sick and couldn’t really hang more, but I’m hoping I kick this head cold once and for all soon. Happy 2016 travels to you!
Wow! Love your year end review. What great photos. Can’t wait to get back on the road again. Yahoo!
Thanks!! And I’ll definitely raise a glass to getting on the road again for you! Happy 2016 travels!
Happy New Year to you Nina and Paul! Thank you for your year in review for 2015! We look forward to reading about your 2016 travels. Stay safe and have fun!
All the best,
Thank you and Happy New Year to you too!
Love being reminded of all these places. Sometimes the unplanned makes a great plan. Hope you’ll get to the North Rim next time you visit Grand Canyon.
I do want to go back and revisit the North Rim one day, both to see you and also because our first visit (in 2010) was so short.
Just sitting here with my morning coffee and enjoying your latest entry instead of the depressing news has me thinking. Thank you for your tireless efforts in putting this out for us to enjoy and also use.
One thought. Writing this blog helps make you more aware of your experiences as your travel. I love to bird and photograph. When I shoot I seem to be more aware of the surroundings than when I am just birding with binoculars. Also, looking at the photographs later shows even more.
Please continue your journey safely, keep writing and taking photos for all to enjoy.
All very accurate thoughts Marilyn. I started the blog to keep a dairy of our travels and it still serves that purpose for me. I definitely pay more attention and record more moments than I would otherwise.
As I said on Facebook, you came sooooo close to Montana! Some other time, I am sure!
I know, I know….soooooo close. This year we’re making it a goal!
Nina, Happy New Year to you, Paul and your fur babies! I don’t comment often enough, but wanted to let you know how grateful this rookie full timer RVer is that you take the time to share your amazing adventures. I love your humorous and informative writing style and how you capture the joys of the simple life. Your photography is awesome, I think you actually captured the beauty of the south rim…not an easy feat! Hope you will make your way to the northeast and eastern Canada someday. It has some amazing coastlines, gorgeous autumn colours and the east is a must see bucket list stop for the lighthouse lover. Best wishes from our home on wheels to yours for a healthy, happy and adventurous year. Safe travels⛺️
Thank you SO much for your absolutely lovely words. I do believe Canada might be in the works for us this year, likely the western portion but you never know…
Cheers to Year 7 up ahead.. excited to hear what the jello plans have in store for you guys. (And secretly hoping our mutual jello plans leave opportunity for crossing paths again 😉 ).
Great year! And I’m glad we got to meet and hang out too. May 2016 find us all happy on the road.
So very glad we got to meet you too! Our time in the Tetons was one of the highlights of our year. Plus I would never have got that Moose shot without you 🙂
Love your photos. You do great job and obviously have an eye for the art.
Hi Nina,
Love all the pics, but my favorite is of Molly on the beach at Cape D. Thank you for all you do for us readers. Can’t wait to see what the new year brings.
Since I know how much you like staying out in Borrego, I wanted to let you know that much of the area off Rockhouse Rd is now off limits to camping/vehicles. We were out there last week and were quite surprised to find signs restricting use to “foot travel” only. The upper area when you first come in is still open. It’s when you start to drop down towards the lake bed that the restrictions start. We were able to find a great spot by going down almost to the lake bed, but I’m not sure if the Beast could make it in. Hope this info helps.
Yup, I’ve heard about the big changes in Borrego this year from a few of my boondocking buddies. It’s sad to hear, especially since our old boondocking spot there is completely gone now (behind the “foot traffic only” signs). I’m glad you were able to find a spot to yourselves despite all the new rules.
Like that old Eagles song said, ” call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye “. I’m wondering Nina if this is a trend. Since you and Paul do a lot of boondocking, is this something you’re starting to see in other places? Did you hear why the restrictions were put in place in Borrego?
Well the Borrego thing has been coming for a loooong time. Over 3 years ago we had State Park Rangers come by the boondocking site to tell RVers they were about to acquire the land and that rules would change. It didn’t happen that year, nor the next few years (I’m guessing because of budget cuts), but in the end the deal went through. So, it was always just a question of time at that spot.
There’s still plenty of space to boondock out there, and the State Park is one of the few in the country that allows dispersed camping (with rules), so the area is not completely gone. But it’s definitely changed.
Some of the spots you had been are really gems and we will try to consider them in our route this year. Seeing all the beauty first and sharing it with us make it the more enticing. What a great year you had!
And cheers to what is ahead in 2016 and who knows will cross path again this time in SoCal.
Yeah I see you’re hitting Wyoming this year, so you’ll definitely want to stop by both Yellowstone & Tetons. Hope to see you again in 2016 too!
As usual you had a very busy year, albeit a very sad year as well. We look forward to following your adventures this year. Look forward to hearing what you two are scheming up next! Happy New Year to you both!